Think about the last time you needed to make changes to your own website. Chances are, you had to call your designer, make a request, wait, and pay. This process makes sense if you need a whole new page or section. However, there’s almost no reason to go through it when you only want to change a word or photo.
Olive Branch Counseling Centers wanted the ability to update their counselor list, biographies, and more. Their old site required the skills of a web designer to make changes like this. So they commissioned us to recreate their existing site in WordPress. Now, when they hire a new counselor and want to place them on their website, Olive Branch staff can simply log in, follow a few easy-to-understand steps, and click update.
As a bonus, their new site is responsive. It automatically and elegantly resizes to fit desktops, tablets, and phones.
If this sounds like something you’d like for your own website, please give us a call.